Saturday, July 14, 2012

I love!

Some weeks ago, I visited one of my favorite place,'Bukchon'.
It means nothern village and it is around the Changdeok palace.
(I will introduce this beautiful palace later. maybe autumn!)

There are lots of traditional ateliers of Korean crafts, and I love their unique atmosphere. It is located in the middle of Seoul, but I cannot feel any something crowded, noisy, cold... of modern big city. 

The weather was very mellow like old movie.
The sky was deep grayish, so it looks very well with Korean traditional house.(The roof tile is deep grayish!)

I visited work houses of traditional wooden doors and windows, embroidery and gilding. Enjoy my little picutures! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Calliope - Creation

It is not easy to create something special ; too many thinking, sketches, samples...and efforts.
But it excites me so much, the best reason why I choose my job.

How about my creation of Calliope?
I hope you would love everything of Calliope! 설렘

Calliope - Inspiration

As you know, I had a long vacation in last January.
I traveled Portual, Spain, Morocco and Egypt during 35 days.

The best place on me is the Sahara! 사랑해
I never forget the breathtaking beauty.
It was too hard to get there, but it was really worthwhile to see the golden desert.

I wanted to see the little Prince and his friend, desert fox.
Instead of them, there were...sand, wind, sun, star and nothing!
I loved the feeling of Sahara, and some inspirations started popping in my head:
golden, sparkle, primal, magnificent...

I tried to pull out the faint inspirations , but it was not easy to express exactly. I kept thinking and feeling again and again to not miss the something special.

Fortunately, I found something more in temples of Egypt : goddess, dignity... and Calliope of next Mousa

Calliope is the muse of epic poetry.
I thought that the splendid panoramas and inspirations I have seen were perfect for Calliope.

The theme songs for Calliope were 'Yogensha' and 'Moon' of Yoko Kanno.
That songs were really helpful to imagine Calliope, so I listened and listened while working.